Three Ways to Effectively Get Rid of Head Lice

Head lice can be a nuisance when they decide to invade your child’s head. They cause itchiness and inflammation on the scalp which can be quite irritating. You need to get rid of them and fast before they take over the whole head. Here are three ways to effectively get rid of head lice.

The first way involves manual removal of the lice. Two methods that can effectively do this are by removing them with your hands and the other by use of the head lice comb.

Use of hands is perhaps the surest way to ensure that each louse is removed. To do this, you will need to divide the hair into sections and work on each section separately. Make sure you cover each and every inch of the scalp. Although it is time consuming, it is one of the best methods of dealing with adult head lice. However, it is not quite effective on the nits as they are not visible to the naked eye.

The lice comb is a special comb designed to remove lice and nits. This comb is made of metal teeth which are finely spaced. It is used in wet hair and the combing action should be from the scalp towards the hair ends. This comb is quite effective in the removal of nits.

The second way to get rid of head lice involves use of home made lice treatments. People are continually turning to lice home remedies due to their easy access and costs. These involve the use of readily available materials and ingredients to get rid of head lice. Some of the methods used include the following.

Use of natural oils like coconut oil, neem oil, tea tree oil and castor oil. These oils kill the adult louse as well as prevent the nit from hatching.

Vinegar and alcohol have also been used as a home treatment remedy. The liquids are rubbed onto the scalp to kill the lice. They can however cause a burning sensation on the places where the skin has been broken by scratching. Washing the hair afterwards removes the lice.

Vaseline application is also a method of treating head lice. The Vaseline is applied on the head and left on overnight. Wearing a head cap will be necessary. Vaseline works by smothering the lice making them easy to remove. In the morning, wash the hair thoroughly to remove the lice.

The third way to get rid of lice involves use of pesticide based shampoos. Many of these are based on malathion or permethrin. The effectiveness of these shampoos is decreasing due to the increased resistance of lice to these chemicals. The chemicals contained in these shampoos also have been associated to many side effects as well as diseases like cancer.

Whichever way you choose to get rid of head lice, it is worth noting that combining a number of methods is more effective than using only one. Also, repeated treatment is necessary to ensure that all head lice are eliminated.

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