Head Lice Treatments – What Experts Do Not Tell You

You can search online or speak with experts; no one will tell you the truth about head lice treatments. They will tell you to apply lice shampoos, to comb nits out, to repeat the treatment, but all this will not help you get rid of these parasites because there is a missing piece in the puzzle.

And the most important point to understand is this one: there is no product that can remove adult lice AND nits at the same time. Not one. No head lice treatment, whether made with chemical products or natural products or home remedies can eliminate both adult lice and lice eggs. For example, if you only put vinegar on your kid’s hair, you will not get rid of the infestation. The same thing is true if you only apply a shampoo, or coat the hair with olive oil.

Why is that? Well, this is because an adult louse is very different from a louse egg (also called nit). And this is obvious, when you think about it. An egg of any species has nothing in common with an adult of the same species. This is why to eliminate each one you need to use different techniques. And this is the same for head lice.

But no one tells you that. So most people buy some anti lice shampoo, apply it following the guidelines of the manufacturer, and after 7 days they are back again…What happened is that the product only killed the adults, and now the eggs have hatched. And people end up thinking that shampoos or other types of head lice treatments do not work.

So every time you have to deal with an infestation, you need to do a specific treatment for adult lice (and nymphs, which are the “children” of lice), and another specific treatment to kill the lice eggs or nits.

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