Head Lice – Home Remedies That Work

When you know you have lice you are looking for the appropriate treatment and you have to choose between shampoos or other chemical products and head lice home remedies. This should be taken seriously, there are a lot of treatments available to the general public, most of them are quite efficient if done correctly, but some of them are chemical and can have side-effects.

For example, do you know what kind of substance you are putting on your child’s head when you are using lice shampoo? That the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends Nix as the most effective treatment for head lice, does not mean it is actually the most effective and anyway you are still using pesticides. While some people feel like chemical products are the best and only way to get rid of head lice, other people definitely want to look for more natural options.

If you do some research you can quickly come up with a long list of home remedies and natural treatments against lice, but not all of them will actually work. This depends on the type of remedy, on the degree of the lice infestation you are facing, and on the way you do the treatment, as a good treatment will not work if not done correctly. Here are some remedies that have been tested and have proven to work, whether empirically or scientifically.


Some essential oils have proven to effectively fight head lice. You can also do it yourself at home by following this recipe: Mix 2 ml of lavender essential oil with 1 ml of essential oil of peppermint. Add 1ml of melaleuca essential oil and 1 ml of tea tree essential oil. Then add 10 ml of alcohol 40 degrees. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray the neck and temples every morning as a prevention measure. You can also spray hats and scarves to prevent the risk of transmission. If your hair is already infested, spray 12 times on your head and rub your hair and scalp. Then comb your hair section by section with a head lice comb to remove dead lice as well as nits.

Another head lice home remedy that works well is olive oil. You can put together one liter of olive oil, 20 drops of lavender essential oil, 20 drops of geranium essential oil, 2 sprigs of rosemary and a few mint leaves (optional, as this is only for the flavor). Apply this mixture to dry hair after brushing it. Then you will want to comb the hair in order to distribute the mixture, especially if you are dealing with long hair. Leave the product about 24 hours and make 2 normal shampoos to remove the fatty oil.

A cheap and effective method to fight lice is to use alcohol (flavored with lemon or orange) that you can put on your children’s hair. Of course you have to be very careful so as not to pour it into their eyes! But it is highly effective because head lice die within minutes and the hair stays shiny. Eventually, if your goal is to prevent lice from coming back, a good measure against lice is to put a few drops of lavender oil on the collar of your kid’s shirts. Lice hate the smell and this will keep them away.

Most head lice home remedies do work, in spite of what you will sometimes read or what people will tell you. If you choose to use them, remember that there effectiveness will depend mainly on your ability to prepare and apply them correctly.


Treating Head Lice Effectively

When you realize that one of your family members has lice you can be in a state of panic and you’ll try to get rid of it by all means, but treating head lice effectively is not always easy. Here are some tips to help you kill those parasites and avoid repeated infestations.

How can you be sure you have head lice?

First of all, you have to make sure that you are dealing with head lice and not another disease; otherwise your treatment will not be effective. So how can you see the lice? It is not always easy to find lice and nits in the hair. Head lice have a grayish or brownish color. The best method to spot them is to wet the hair and use a special lice comb. Divide the hair into sections, comb it section by section, and if you have lice, you’ll see them fall down. You can also see them when you rinse the comb in a sink containing water. Nits appear as white or grayish dots fixed to the base of the hair. They can be taken for dandruff but unlike those, they usually stick to the hair and cannot be easily detached from the scalp.


What treatments are recommended as effective?

The first method that comes to the mind is using a head lice comb on wet hair. This method takes time, patience and perseverance, but it is natural, harmless, and effective if done correctly. In case of severe infestation though, it might be good to combine this method with a head lice shampoo or a home remedy.

You can use insecticides that come most of the time in the form of shampoos, lotions or sprays. Among insecticides, only products containing pyrethrin and malathion are currently still considered effective, but this is not always the case, especially in the southern part of the United States, where head lice have become particularly resistant to these chemical products. Resistance is actually a reality in many western countries. If you decide to use them, you should know that they are pesticides, and as such, they are toxic. Moreover they can also be dangerous and have side effects such as skin irritation, tingling and itching.

Another effective method is using dimethicone. This product wraps the louse that can no longer breathe and dies. It must be applied to dry hair and left in place for at least 8 hours. Then you can rinse the hair. Treatment should be repeated after 7 days. This rather new treatment allows the removal of lice in 70% of cases approximately. It is unlikely that lice will become resistant to this product, and this treatment is a good alternative to insecticides, mainly because it is less toxic.

Then, you can also use home remedies such as olive oil alone or combined with essential oils, or vinegar. They are far more economical than chemical products, they are natural and effective. If you choose to use home remedies you should anyway comb the hair with a head lice comb, as well as repeat the treatment over one or two weeks.


Who should be treated?

Only people with head lice should be treated. But when a child is carrying lice, it is best to check all family members for it. The best method is to wet the hair and comb it. You should then only treat those who have lice, but never treat anyone as a prevention measure, because head lice cannot be prevented.

When a child has lice, it is also good to inform the school, so that screening measures may be taken, and that other kids may be checked and treated if infested.

What should you do if the treatment fails?

That happens sometimes, and people tend to think that if the treatment did not work it means that it is not effective. But actually the main reasons why a treatment fails are the following:

– The treatment with dimethicone or insecticide was not applied correctly. In most cases, the product has not been left long enough in contact with the hair;
– The treatment with insecticide or dimethicone was not repeated;
– If using a head lice comb, the treatment has not been repeated (every 3-4 days) or long enough (at least two more weeks after getting rid of lice the first time);

Note that no method is 100% effective anyway, so in case of failure you should repeat the treatment with the same method, and after several trials with a correct method, it makes sense to try another one.

Sometimes, the treatment worked, but the child has been infested again, maybe because not all the kids at school had been treated properly. In this case you have no choice but treating your child again.


21 Tried and True Ways to Kill Head Lice

The following methods use home remedies for killing head lice that actually work:

1- Mix tea tree oil, diluted with a little water so that it mists easily from a spray bottle, and apply thoroughly to the hair and scalp, being sure you actually get down to the scalp to ferret out the nits. Follow with a thorough nit combing, and repeat this routine daily until the problem is solved.

2 – To a quarter of a cup of vinegar, add two cups of real mayo (NOT Miracle Whip!) and work this thoroughly into the hair, paying special attention to the scalp. Cover all with a plastic cap and leave it on the hair for at least two hours-more is better. Afterwards, use Dawn dishwashing liquid to cut the mayonnaise. Then mix two cups or more of apple cider vinegar into a full gallon of water, and rinse the hair, using all the vinegar water, then rinse hair again in plain water.

Do a thorough comb through with the fine-toothed nit comb. Then add about four drops of tea tree oil (which lice hate) to plain water and rinse again. Do another water/vinegar rinse and do the nit combing every two days for at least ten days. Finish the last time by rinsing with a full gallon of water to which you’ve added half a cup of vinegar. Doing this a couple of times a week should act as a preventive measure.

3 – A really easy approach is to apply an over the counter product called “Nutrogena TGel Extra Strength with Coal Tar Extract Shampoo” (that’s quite a mouthful!) two times every day, allowing this shampoo to stay on the hair for about ten minutes each time. Combing is not called for, but I still think it’s a good idea.

4 – Another really simple treatment is peppermint oil. Into one gallon of water, put 5 drops of peppermint oil. Rinse the entire gallon through the hair. Finish off with peppermint soap and a thorough nit combing.

5 – It is well known in “lice circles” that head lice abhor tea tree oil. And so, if you will mix 12-14 drops of it in a carrier oil like olive, mineral, or baby, and slather it onto the hair, the oils will cover the lice’s breathing apparatus and smother them. Leave the oil on the hair for at least eight hours to be sure the lice are really dead, as they can hide in a dormant stage for a long time and then resurrect! Then use Dawn dish liquid to cut the oils. Follow that with regular shampoo or a coconut shampoo and rinse, which lice absolutely hate as much as they do tea tree oil.

6 – Or you can use mineral oil on the hair and scalp overnight before rinsing with Dawn liquid in the morning. After rinsing, apply regular Listerine mouthwash and let it stay on the hair and scalp for an hour before following with a rinse of coconut shampoo/condition or Denorex shampoo.

7 – Another simple, cheap remedy is lime juice, but you have to do it two or three times (like so many other approaches), but you have to be sure to get any nits that have hatched in the interim. For each application, cover the head with snug plastic wrap or cap, followed by regular shampooing twice. Finish by rinsing with apple cider vinegar, which should loosen any remaining nits, with a final comb-through to be sure.

8 – Because we know that lice detest both tea tree oil and peppermint, add ten drops of each oil to Dawn dishwashing soap (use about a half bottle) and then add three tbs. of salt before applying. You have to leave this on for only five minutes then before using a coconut shampoo/conditioning rinse.

9 – Apply a potent alcohol to the head. We’re talking whiskey, run, vodka, etc. Let the alcohol dry, killing the nits in the process. Then wash with a dandruff shampoo. Follow the shampoo with an application of raw eggs, Vaseline, or mayo, which is going to suffocate the lice and keep new nits from sticking to the hair, because you will leave it on all night, shampooing again in the morning, again with Denorex or a shampoo/conditioner made with coconut oil.

10 – In case you’ve been wondering, yes, you can use Dawn dishwashing liquid by itself for killing head lice. But it must be applied to dry hair and left on for at least ten minutes. Then just rinse out and follow with your favorite shampoo and rinse well.

11 – Another great combination that works is to use half a cup of vinegar with about three tbs. of real mayo. Saturate head and scalp with this mix, which should be left to sit for at hour at least before rinsing and nit combing.

12 – Another similar-but slightly different-way is to combine equal measures of mayo with vinegar and saturate the head thickly before covering with a shower cap. And yes, you have to leave it on all night before rinsing it all out with Dawn dishwashing liquid next morning, as the Dawn is really good for cutting the oily mayo. Use a good cream rinse then before it’s nit combing time.

13 – This is another of those I haven’t tried but am told that it is most effective: Get some Extra Strength Denorex Dandruff Shampoo. It is said to kill the adult lice as you wash it through the hair. The salicylic acid in the Denorex is what does the trick. Shampoo with Denorex every day for the next 2 weeks to be sure all the nits have been decimated. If you can find another shampoo that is made with salicylic acid, you can substitute that if you like it better. One that I know of it Island Breeze Selsun Blue Naturals. Again, you need to finish with a good head lice comb.

14 – For under $2, you can saturate the head and scalp with an entire bottle of Suave Orange Mango shampoo. Leave it on for an hour before combing with a metal fine-toothed comb and then apply a shampoo made with coconut oil, which will cut the nit glue that the female louse has used to cement her eggs onto the hair. Doing so will cause all the nits to slide off as you comb.

15 – Again, here we go with Dawn. But this time, add some alternative powdered bleach-just enough to make a paste. (Do NOT use Clorox.) After you work it down to the scalp, allow this to remain for an hour or so before wiping through the hair with a towel, and you’ll be surprised to see lice on the towel, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that you got them all. You’ll still have to do the combing. And you need to do this all over again in 10 days to be sure all the eggs are gone.

16 – Look in your health food store for sulfur soap that contains lanolin, as this agent not only will kill head lice, but it also prevents them from crawling onto your scalp again, in case any are left crawling on your furniture or clothing. If your health food store doesn’t have it, you can locate some at most Mexican groceries, and it’s cheap-about a dollar a bar. As a bonus, this soap also attacks ringworm and scabies!

17 – Wash the hair with Suave Tropical Coconut Shampoo (really cheap at around a dollar). Work it well into the scalp, as coconut oil works to suffocate the lice. Then rinse with coconut conditioner, but don’t rinse the conditioner out until you’ve done a thorough combing.

18 – There are two over the counter products that dissolve lice eggs so well that they can be combed right out. Get either GooGone Citrus or De-Solv-It. If you opt for GooGone, be sure to rinse it out within ten minutes or so after combing out the eggs; otherwise it can be a little irritating. Then do a final rinse with coconut shampoo and conditioner.

19 – Who would have thought of this one? Avon’s Skin-So-Soft Bath Oil. Just saturate the head and scalp, leaving it on until morning and then washing it out with-are you ready for this? Dawn! The oil actually dries up the nits. The Dawn makes it easy to comb them all out.

20 – Baby lotion? Yes! Just glop it into the hair and scalp and comb through completely with a fine-toothed metal comb. Then just shampoo it all out. To be sure no nits escape, do it again in 10 days.

21 – Look for an over the counter product called Blue-Magic. Apply generously throughout hair and scalp, cover with plastic, and follow with a thorough nit combing next morning before washing the hair with your regular shampoo. Lice are gone as if by magic!

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Three Ways to Effectively Get Rid of Head Lice

Head lice can be a nuisance when they decide to invade your child’s head. They cause itchiness and inflammation on the scalp which can be quite irritating. You need to get rid of them and fast before they take over the whole head. Here are three ways to effectively get rid of head lice.

The first way involves manual removal of the lice. Two methods that can effectively do this are by removing them with your hands and the other by use of the head lice comb.

Use of hands is perhaps the surest way to ensure that each louse is removed. To do this, you will need to divide the hair into sections and work on each section separately. Make sure you cover each and every inch of the scalp. Although it is time consuming, it is one of the best methods of dealing with adult head lice. However, it is not quite effective on the nits as they are not visible to the naked eye.

The lice comb is a special comb designed to remove lice and nits. This comb is made of metal teeth which are finely spaced. It is used in wet hair and the combing action should be from the scalp towards the hair ends. This comb is quite effective in the removal of nits.

The second way to get rid of head lice involves use of home made lice treatments. People are continually turning to lice home remedies due to their easy access and costs. These involve the use of readily available materials and ingredients to get rid of head lice. Some of the methods used include the following.

Use of natural oils like coconut oil, neem oil, tea tree oil and castor oil. These oils kill the adult louse as well as prevent the nit from hatching.

Vinegar and alcohol have also been used as a home treatment remedy. The liquids are rubbed onto the scalp to kill the lice. They can however cause a burning sensation on the places where the skin has been broken by scratching. Washing the hair afterwards removes the lice.

Vaseline application is also a method of treating head lice. The Vaseline is applied on the head and left on overnight. Wearing a head cap will be necessary. Vaseline works by smothering the lice making them easy to remove. In the morning, wash the hair thoroughly to remove the lice.

The third way to get rid of lice involves use of pesticide based shampoos. Many of these are based on malathion or permethrin. The effectiveness of these shampoos is decreasing due to the increased resistance of lice to these chemicals. The chemicals contained in these shampoos also have been associated to many side effects as well as diseases like cancer.

Whichever way you choose to get rid of head lice, it is worth noting that combining a number of methods is more effective than using only one. Also, repeated treatment is necessary to ensure that all head lice are eliminated.

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Head Lice Treatment

Not all nit removal services are made equal, so when choosing one to treat your family it is essential that you do your homework.

Studies all over the world are showing that head lice are becoming increasingly resistant to over the counter head lice treatment products and even prescription products. This fact coupled with the growing trend away from using harmful chemicals in our everyday lives has led to a growing number of parents to seek out alternative products and treatment methods when their children contract these dreaded parasites.

One area that has seen tremendous growth in the past few years because of these factors is the niche of professional nit removal services. These services are a lifesaver to many overwhelmed parents with little time to spare. As with any company that you hire, though, it is critical to be an educated consumer and know what to look for.

Anyone can buy a few non-toxic products and a lice comb and claim to be a professional. So to protect yourself and your family, follow a few basic guidelines when choosing a nit removal service in your area.

Find a company with adequate training and education. There are no regulatory or state licensing requirements in this emerging field, so it can be hit or miss when choosing a service. Look for companies that are certified in The Shepherd Method of strand-by-strand nit removal. This is important for not only in-home treatment, but for salon treatment, too.

This safe and proven means of head lice treatment was developed at a non-profit lice treatment and awareness center in Florida called Lice Solutions Resource Network (LSRN). Katie Shepherd, the executive director, developed this method of strand-by-strand nit removal as a safe and highly effective means of treatment. Companies trained and certified in this method are known to provide superior service and treatment to families. These companies are also up-to-date in research as they have access to the latest head lice studies that LSRN is involved in.

Another major issue to be aware of is safety. Whenever you are hiring someone to come to your home there are certain issues to be mindful of. You need to be sure that anyone you allow in your home is truly there to perform the services they were hired for. Verifying that a company is licensed, registered and insured is the first step in protecting your family. For added peace of mind, you can also check with your local Chamber of Commerce and Better Business Bureau to see if they are upstanding members.

Another precaution to take is to ensure that any employees or independent contractors that the company hires are properly screened. Making thorough background checks part of the hiring process is a good indication that you’re dealing with a reputable company that makes client safety a priority.

Families dealing with head lice are usually overwhelmed and vulnerable. Unfortunately, some companies take advantage of this by playing up myths that perpetuate irrational fears about infestations. In other words, they may try to sell you unnecessary products. Look into what they are selling. If they have a whole line of products intended to rid your home and laundry of lice that may be a red flag. Some companies even go so far as to sell hand soap to kill lice.

These are all a complete waste of money. Anyone who is properly trained and is aware of current research knows that head lice in the environment pose virtually no threat of transmission. So, there is no reason to focus on excessive environmental cleaning. Products that “treat” the home, car or laundry are unnecessary and a waste of money and time. Be hesitant in hiring a company who focuses too much on environmental cleaning and excessive bagging of items that can’t be washed.

There is a lot to think about when hiring a lice removal service to come to your home. Just because you are stressed and short on time doesn’t mean you have to be uninformed. Take these precautions outlined above when choosing a company and you’ll be well on your way to becoming, and staying, lice free!

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