Ways To Get Rid Of Head Lice by Ladylynn Nguyen

Having lice in addition to nits in your scalp is unbelievably upsetting. You’re going to really feel something itchy in your scalp – to the point where you can’t stop scratching. Adding to that, it is embarrassing if other folks know about it. Some might avoid contact with you simply because of the risk of becoming plagued with lice too. Up until the head lice lay offspring and the nits become grown lice, make certain to manage them. Be sure you comprehend how to get rid of lice. You’ll have to abolish them from your hair immediately! You can discover how to get rid of lice with these easy steps:

1. Setting Goals The very first activity that you need to perform if you would like get rid of lice is goal setting. You must be determined to reach your objective of eliminating all head lice and nits in your scalp. You should prepare yourself while using the items that are necessary to be carried out in order for you get rid of lice.

2. Do Something Next step is to take action on your objective. It is your time if you want to render a move to make sure you acknowledge how to get rid of lice. Try to look for some tips on line as well as go through numerous materials that should instruct you on how to get rid of lice at once. Make a system on the therapy that you will follow so that you may abide by it religiously.

3. Getting the Very important Products for Lice Treatment Simply put, you must have 2 important things for lice treatment, the head lice treatment or simply pediculicide and the nit comb. If you pick the lice treatment make sure to buy a high quality one. Do not forget to buy a nit comb as well since a normal brush won’t be able to dispose of head lice in your hair.

4. Head lice treatment Here is the most important procedure you have to follow in order to get rid of lice; the application of the lice remedy. Typically, you will find instructions with the container or box of the head lice remedy about how to utilize the application. Make sure you read it properly and understand what you need to do to carry out process correctly. The guidelines additionally point out the amount of time to keep the head lice treatment in your hair. Make certain to leave the head lice treatment as advised to enhance the usefulness of the treatment.

Click Here To Discover a Proven Remedies To Treat Head Lice

Head Lice Information – Lice, Nits and Their Life Cycle

There are countless myths about head lice and this is why it is essential to have access to reliable, unbiased head lice information. Here is a detailed description of the head louse and its eggs, called nits, as well as details on the life cycle of head lice.

The Head Louse

The head louse is a small wingless insect, which body is flattened. Its color is white but once soaked with blood, it becomes red or black. It measures 2 to 3 mm. Wingless, it does not fly nor does it jump but it moves quickly (speed of 23 cm per minute under natural conditions) between the hair to which it clings tightly with 3 pairs of short legs. Its abdomen is wider than the rest of the body.

The head louse breathes through holes that can close themselves and become impermeable to water. These openings also have a function of excretion. Its head has short antennae and highly specialized mouthparts that allow the head louse to perform piercing and sucking actions. Feeding exclusively on the blood of its host, who it bites 2 to 4 times per day for meals that last about 30 minutes. It can live on the scalp for over a month (30 to 40 days).

Far away from his host, the head louse rarely survives more than 36 hours, it dies of starvation or dehydration. It must indeed be regularly fed with blood, and the weather and moisture conditions necessary to its survival are quite strict: temperature between 28 and 32 degrees Celsius with 70% to 80% humidity. The head louse is an external parasite of humans, which means that it absolutely must be on a human in order to survive. We know of no head lice predators.


The eggs of head lice are called nits and have the appearance of grain with a caramel color when laid, and they become more or less white when they are empty. Nits are very hard to spot as they measure approximately 0.8 mm and are glued to the hair by a secretion of the female louse.This secretion (cementum) coats the base of the nit and the hair which hold together firmly.

The female lays its nits at the root of the hair very close to the scalp (less than 1 mm) where the incubation is easier thanks to the heat and humidity. After hatching, the empty shell of the nit can remains on the hair for several months. Whitish, it gradually moves away from the root as the hair grows. Empty nits can easily be taken for dandruff but unlike those, they are resistant to washing and brushing hair.


Three Ways to Effectively Get Rid of Head Lice

Head lice can be a nuisance when they decide to invade your child’s head. They cause itchiness and inflammation on the scalp which can be quite irritating. You need to get rid of them and fast before they take over the whole head. Here are three ways to effectively get rid of head lice.

The first way involves manual removal of the lice. Two methods that can effectively do this are by removing them with your hands and the other by use of the head lice comb.

Use of hands is perhaps the surest way to ensure that each louse is removed. To do this, you will need to divide the hair into sections and work on each section separately. Make sure you cover each and every inch of the scalp. Although it is time consuming, it is one of the best methods of dealing with adult head lice. However, it is not quite effective on the nits as they are not visible to the naked eye.

The lice comb is a special comb designed to remove lice and nits. This comb is made of metal teeth which are finely spaced. It is used in wet hair and the combing action should be from the scalp towards the hair ends. This comb is quite effective in the removal of nits.

The second way to get rid of head lice involves use of home made lice treatments. People are continually turning to lice home remedies due to their easy access and costs. These involve the use of readily available materials and ingredients to get rid of head lice. Some of the methods used include the following.

Use of natural oils like coconut oil, neem oil, tea tree oil and castor oil. These oils kill the adult louse as well as prevent the nit from hatching.

Vinegar and alcohol have also been used as a home treatment remedy. The liquids are rubbed onto the scalp to kill the lice. They can however cause a burning sensation on the places where the skin has been broken by scratching. Washing the hair afterwards removes the lice.

Vaseline application is also a method of treating head lice. The Vaseline is applied on the head and left on overnight. Wearing a head cap will be necessary. Vaseline works by smothering the lice making them easy to remove. In the morning, wash the hair thoroughly to remove the lice.

The third way to get rid of lice involves use of pesticide based shampoos. Many of these are based on malathion or permethrin. The effectiveness of these shampoos is decreasing due to the increased resistance of lice to these chemicals. The chemicals contained in these shampoos also have been associated to many side effects as well as diseases like cancer.

Whichever way you choose to get rid of head lice, it is worth noting that combining a number of methods is more effective than using only one. Also, repeated treatment is necessary to ensure that all head lice are eliminated.

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