Natural Head Lice Treatment

Head lice, no bigger than a sesame seed, are parasitic insects that live among human heads and feed upon human blood out of the scalp. The lice are visible to necked eyes. Lice are neither dangerous nor harmful, but they are a great cause of irritation and itching. They do not cause diseases but their bites lead to scratching which results in infections. Home remedies have proven to be the best method to get rid of them.


Head lice are becoming a bane to the parents, as they are very common among the children; especially the school going ones. Head lice once attached to a head don’t go away easily. They multiply at a fast rate where as it takes longer to get rid of them. When it comes to getting rid of head lice, it is important to remove head lice eggs or nits. Because if you fail to get rid of head lice eggs, you will not be able to get rid of head lice completely.

There are a number of medicines and shampoos available in the market that is thought helpful in removing these nitsnliceparasites from human heads. Many use chemicals and medications that kill head lice while head lice home remedies use products that can be easily purchased and are very effective if the instructions are followed. Unfortunately many medications do not kill the larva inside the lice eggs and hence there arises a need to use these products again over a fixed time period. This time period may last from a few days to a few weeks depending on how strong the used chemicals are. However, these chemicals guarantee a complete removal of the lice but nits cannot be removed by the use of these products.

The nits are very small and they are attached to the hair shaft by a type of glue secreted by the adult lice. The nits are to be removed using a comb with tiny, very close teeth or to be picked by hands. Since these nits are very tiny and difficult to see especially with light colored hair, a lot of people prefer to sit in the sunlight and pick the nits by hand. A lot of effort is needed in this process and it is very time consuming. The close teeth combs are easily available in the markets and are an easy way to pull the lice and nits. An easy way to get rid of lice and nits is to oil your hair before combing with the close tooth comb.

In order to get rid of lice people get their heads shaved but that is not the solution. It might work for men but it is not advisable for girls where as cutting the hair short helps. If the lice are not removed on time, they become a cause of social embracement. It is not shameful to have lice but it is shameful not to remove them. Fortunately with the use of products you may already have in your home head lice and their nits are not difficult to kill and get rid of. Simply apply the products listed in most head lice home remedy and wait the specified time period to complete the process. Once this is done the problem will be over.