The Different Treatments for Head Lice

Head lice are small, wingless parasitic insects found in human scalps. These tiny insects thrive on human hair and feed on scalp blood. The problems of lice are common particularly among children between 3-12 years old. The lice problem is more common among girls with long hair than among boys. Lice are known to cause extreme itching on human scalps and cause tremendous distress. If you are frustrated with head lice problems, don’t worry because there are different treatments for head lice.

You can treat a head lice infestation through different ways to get rid of scratching caused due to lice movements.

Lice combs:

Lice combs are special combs that have fine teeth designed to remove lice and lice eggs (nits) from human hair. Lice combs are one of the best and cost-effective ways to remove lice. You can use these combs to comb your hair, as the fine teeth of the comb remove the lice and nits from your scalp. For the combs to be more effective, it is advisable you use these combs on wet hair. You can use the comb three-to-four times a day for up to two weeks to get rid of the lice completely.

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