Fast And Effective Remedy For Head Lice




Their tiny bites can cause severe itchiness that lead to skin irritation and swelling, in some rare cases. Thus the term “crabs” came about. It should be removed using a mechanical instrument. Lice are tiny bloodsucking insects that are usually found at the base hair near the scalp. Their bodies are much shorter than the head and body lice and with crab-like claws. They usually originate on people who occasionally change or clean their garments.


Lice settlements are so very little that gives hard time looking for them. In general, a few living lice, lesser than a dozen, infest a person. These nymphs start feeding and become adult lice in a week or two also. One end of the nit is somewhat flat and has a cap that looks like a bottle cork.

The Different Treatments for Head Lice

Head lice are small, wingless parasitic insects found in human scalps. These tiny insects thrive on human hair and feed on scalp blood. The problems of lice are common particularly among children between 3-12 years old. The lice problem is more common among girls with long hair than among boys. Lice are known to cause extreme itching on human scalps and cause tremendous distress. If you are frustrated with head lice problems, don’t worry because there are different treatments for head lice.

You can treat a head lice infestation through different ways to get rid of scratching caused due to lice movements.

Lice combs:

Lice combs are special combs that have fine teeth designed to remove lice and lice eggs (nits) from human hair. Lice combs are one of the best and cost-effective ways to remove lice. You can use these combs to comb your hair, as the fine teeth of the comb remove the lice and nits from your scalp. For the combs to be more effective, it is advisable you use these combs on wet hair. You can use the comb three-to-four times a day for up to two weeks to get rid of the lice completely.

What is the Best Tool for Removing Head Lice?

With so many treatments available that help in removing head lice, there is always a big question mark on what is the best tool for removing head lice. Well, the answer for this is quite simple. The head lice comb is no doubt the best tool for removing head lice, as unlike other head lice treatments, it does not possess any risks, is free from any side effects and is easy and convenient to use.

However, it is important for you to use the comb in a proper way to get better results and to remove head lice completely from your head. Here are some basic steps for removing head lice through combing: Read Full Article

Why the Head Lice Comb is the Safest Choice

Many people infected by head lice or having an infestation of nits resort to a head lice treatment made up of chemicals. These chemicals used to treat the head lice have recently become an area of major concern. This is because almost all of the people infected with lice want to get rid of them as soon as possible. Such people in fact spend as much as thousands of dollars solely to purchase a head lice treatment. What these people don’t know or are unaware of is they can easily get rid of lice in a safe manner with the help of a head lice comb. There are many reasons why the head lice comb is the safest choice. Some of them are listed below.

They don’t contain harmful chemicals: Any form of chemical used to kill parasites or pests is a pesticide. We all know that pesticides are harmful and can have side effects. Public health professionals argue that parents need to pay more attention to the pesticides they are using on the head of their children to get rid of lice. Children’s scalps are extremely sensitive and absorbent; hence, it is important not to use these chemicals on children to get rid of lice. This is the not the case with a head lice comb. A head lice comb is a comb specially designed to remove lice from the hair and scalp. These combs are made up of plastic and don’t possess any harmful substance which may be harmful to your child or any person infested with lice.

They are safer than oil: A majority of oils are extremely powerful and hence are unsuitable for children, pregnant woman and babies. Products such as Hairclean 1-2-3 contain essential oils and possess some side effects. This is not the case with a lice comb. Therefore, it is safer to use a head lice comb over these oils, especially when the person infected is a baby or young children.

It is recognized by NPA: The National Pediculosis Association (NPA) recognizes that a nit combing as the best way to get rid of head lice.

Easy to use: Unlike other head lice treatments that require rigorous implementations and have difficult usage instructions, the head lice comb is easy to use. It can be used just like any other comb, but it helps to get rid of head lice. Head lice treatments require the complementary usage of other harmful substances. This is not the case with a head lice comb. Due to its ability to be used without any additional substances, these combs are the safest way to get rid of head lice.

No chance of electrocution: Unlike electric combs, which work on electricity and involve the risk of electrocution, normal head lice combs don’t bear this risk and hence are safer to use than the electronic comb.

Considering all of these features of a head lice comb, it is no doubt the safest choice when it comes to removing head lice. 

Where to Find the Causes of Head Lice?

ead lice are tiny, wingless, parasitic insects which feed on blood sucked by the scalp. Although they don’t cause any disease, they can cause sheer irritation. If the problem persists in a person’s head, it can result in itchy and damaged hair, and sometimes lead to infections. Head lice are a major problem with children. A head lice infestation is highly contagious and has to be treated immediately once symptoms such as formation of eggs and nits start to appear. You may be wondering where to find the causes of head lice. The following information will help you:

* Sharing space with an infected person:

Since head lice are endemic, contact with infected people can cause the head lice to spread. Lice do not have the ability to fly, swim or jump. However, close proximity with an infected person enables them to move from the hair of one host to the other. Once they reach the host, they multiply rapidly by laying eggs. To avoid being infected with head lice, it is better not to be exposed to infected people.

* Maintaining improper hygiene:

Head lice can infect all types of hair, short or long. This is because they thrive on unclean hair. Though this is a myth, studies show that unclean hair is one of the primary causes of a head lice infestation. Contaminated public places and contaminated closets can also be sources of head lice. Children share toilets and public places in schools. This is the main reason why children below the age of 12 are more susceptible to infestation.

* Sharing toys and household items:

Lice can stay in household furniture for a short period of two days without blood. Hence, if a person is infected, it is possible for people within the same family to get infected as well. The common use of towels, blankets, beds, combs, headphones, hats and other clothing are also common ways through which head lice propagate. The sharing of toys among children is also a reason. Hence, to avoid the spread of the infection, it is better to wash the things which are shared within the family.

Preventive steps against head lice:
1) Avoid contact with infected people.
2) Wash all upholstery and clean all furniture frequently.
3) Avoid using dirty and polluted toilets at public places.
4) Maintain healthy hygiene.

The Basics of Scientist-Tested Remedies for Head Lice

he problem of head lice is a common among children. Head lice infested humans even during the Stone Age. So, after you are infested with head lice, do not panic. Head lice can be treated. Scientists have found remedies in the form of shampoos and oils for gradual treatment against head lice. The basics of scientist-tested remedies for head lice are given below.

* Confirming the presence of head lice:

Before proceeding to any treatment, you need to ensure that you or your children are infested with head lice. Irritation that causes relentless itching in the head is the most common symptom. The presence of head lice is easily noticeable once they have laid eggs.

* Shampoo treatment:

Nix is an anti-lice shampoo which has been developed by doctors in the U.S. Regular washing of your hair with Nix can reduce the presence of lice in your head. The presence of lice near the root of the hair indicates that lice eggs have probably hatched and are on the verge of spreading fast. There are also shampoos such as Ovide and Lindane which can prove effective against head lice.

* Manual removal of head lice:
Almost all head lice comb manufacturers give the assurance of 100% head lice removal. This is because most head lice combs are tried and tested with body lice eggs, which are considerably larger and are easily caught within the bristles of the combs. However, scientists at the National Pediculosis Association (NPA) recommend the manual removal of head lice as the only safe method. Doctors also suggest the use of scotch tape. Since scotch tape is not suitable for children, a metal nit comb is a much better tool.

Steps to Make Head Lice Prevention Possible

A Head louse is in all likelihood the most prevalent of problems in young children. Compared with what many believe, head lice won’t indicate the hygiene practices with the child at home or by their own parents. A bane for parents, head lice are tiny parasite insects that cling towards the strands of hair and prey on scalp intaking what little volume of blood they get from biting the scalp of your child. Lice will be more common among young kids particularly in girls. Just as common they are common, head lice prevention is also a really easy practice.

These parasites and head lice nits though most likely are not dangerous nor cause any serious disease but they really can be very annoying and irritating. The bites by the lice will make the child’s scalp itchy. If no immediate action is taken, it will cause inflammation from the scalp too be responsible for infections.

Head lice spread through direct contact. They are very contagious and spread among school going children who are inclined to get close while playing together. The head lice cannot fly or jump, they transfer completely to another person by walking on the hair strands that come within their contact. There are several head lice home remedies that you may follow to remove the parasites. But head lice prevention is essential to prevent them from coming back. Below are some natural head lice treatment methods that can assist you in keeping the these pest from creating trouble in the hair.

• Mixing essential oils including the tea tree oil in the shampoo will provide a robust smell that could repel the lice. You may either mix the oil inside the shampoo or get a shampoo that already contains tea tree extracts.

• Another good idea would be to mix 10 drops of tea tree oil in a bottle of spray with water. You may then spray this water within the hair on your child before school or playtime. This can be a very good head lice prevention method.

• You might mix tea tree oil using a leave-on conditioner or hair gel to achieve the same outcome.

Lice are only able to go on humans. If they are stripped away from a persons scalp, there exists only a small bit of time that they will survive. For the reason of the absence of hydration and food. Lice multiply very quickly. Following after female louse mates, it lays eggs which hatch inside 1 week leaving a small shiny eggshell (nit) which stays attached to the hair. Head lice prevention includes preventing lice and nits too.

It is extremely difficult to remove lice in hair with your fingers while they move quickly and hide on the strands of hair. However, you can get a nit comb or possibly a lice comb that is specially engineered to detect lice. This fine-toothed comb of spacing below 0.3 mm will pass through each strand making lice detection and removing them easier. If it doesn’t work, you can go with some medical lotions and medical gels that could be applied over the hair along with the scalp for effective head lice prevention. It would be best to try natural treatment and prevention first.



Head Lice Causes And Natural Home Remedies

Head lice are tiny wingless insects that colonize scalp and hair. Lice have parasitic existence. They feed on the host’s blood and dry skin and scales loosening from scalp. Lice are not injurious to health but are simply annoying. Lice infestation, also known as pediculosis, is contagious in nature. It spreads through direct or indirect contact with the host. Sharing of contaminated clothing, towels, brushes, combs and other belongings of the infected person, puts one at the risk of acquiring head lice.

Thus if one family member acquires head lice, the others are also likely to get infected. The growth of head lice occurs through 3 different phases: nit phase, nymph phase and adult hood. Nits are oval shaped, yellowish-white lice eggs. Nits cling to hair shaft and are often mistaken for dandruff or spray droplets. Nits hatch in a week’s time. Once, the nit hatches, the baby louse emerges. It is called nymph. A nymph feeds on blood and takes about 7 days from the day of hatching, to reach adulthood. An adult louse resembles a sesame seed in size. It is six legged and dark or grayish white in color.

The life span of adult louse is 30 days. If a head louse falls off from head, it can survive up to 2 days at the most. Head lice move about in the midst of hair and cause a tickling sensation. They also cause severe itching. Some times sores develop due to vigorous scratching and the sores may even get infected. Head lice are unable to crawl or jump. They prefer clean hair over greasy hair, because in case of greasy hair, they face difficulty in attaching their nits. Their legs are designed as claws to facilitate both feeding and clinging to hair shaft.

Home Remedies for Head Lice

1. After shampooing, apply some vinegar on hair and allow it to stand for 4-5 minutes. Then dry up your hair with towel. This treatment allows easy removal of all nits.

2. Apply a paste made out of lemon juice and pounded garlic cloves on head. This destroys lice.

3. Apply tea tree oil on head and keep overnight. In the next morning, wash off hair. This helps to get rid of head lice.

4. Grind custard apple to a paste and apply on head. Cover up your head with a cloth and keep overnight. Then wash off the next morning. This is an effective home remedy for head lice.

5. Application of mayonnaise oil on head is a helpful lice treatment.

6. Pour few drops of baby oil in to a cup of vinegar and apply the solution on head. Shampoo after 1 hour. This eliminates lice.

7. Add few drops of lemon juice to a bowl of butter. Apply the mixture on head and keep for 20 minutes. Then shampoo your head. This is highly beneficial in treating lice.

8. Apply a mixture of vinegar and water to head and keep overnight. Wash off the next morning to free your head of lice.
9. Application of onion juice on head 4 hours before shampoo is a useful lice cure.

10. Oil your hair with olive oil and cover head with a plastic bag. Leave overnight. Next morning, extract all lice with nit comb. This is a good anti-head lice remedy.

11. Make a paste out of 10-12 almonds. Add 3-4 drops of lemon juice to the paste and apply on hair. Allow it to dry and then shampoo your hair. This treatment destroys lice.

Read more Home Remedies for Head Lice.

How to Eliminate Head Lice

If you or your youngsters suffer from head lice infestations, then you know what an unpleasant and embarrassing this condition can be. Even though men and women are frequently shocked and distressed when head lice are found, you ought to keep in mind that it is a frequent and very treatable issue.

What Are Head Lice?

Head lice are little insects that take up home on the head. Although a few folks falsly believe there is a corrolation, Getting head lice is not caused by a lack of appropriate health care. They are basically obtained by close contact with men and women who currently are have them. This is why 1 of the most widespread scenarios in which they are spread is in elementary school activities, where a lot of young children are in close physical contact with one each otherall through the day.

What Are the Symptoms?

The main symptom observed with these annoying pest is an itchy, irritated scalp. They are diagnosed visually. A close inspection of the scalp will reveal the eggs, known as nits, and/or adult lice. Nits are quite small, white oval shapes that, on very first glance, can easily be mistaken for dandruff flakes. Adult lice will appear as tiny, dark, moving specks. You should make positive to wear gloves when checking somebody for these parasites, in order to stop contracting them your self.

Thankfully they can can be treated and prevented effectively and fairly easily. Even though prescription and over the counter medications are obtainable, natural head lice treatments and prevention have confirmed to be extremely efficient while also being gentler and much more pleasant to use. There are a number of head lice home remedies obtainable that work well.

How Can I Get Rid of Them?

1st of all, if you have detected nits (lice eggs) on you or your childs scalp but no adult adults, then typical shampoo utilized in conjunction with a special nit comb offered at most pharmacies is usually all that is needed. Just wash the hair and scalp thoroughly with shampoo and then manually remove all visible nits with the comb. If no further symptoms (itching, visible nits or lice) show up for several days, you can be confident that the difficulty is solved.

If the adult parasites are present, even so, a far more involved method to natural head lice treatment is necessary. Nearly all head lice home remedies share the identical simple method a liquid, cream, or gel is applied to the hair, left to sit for a few hours or overnight, and then a nit comb is used to get rid of the remaining nits. While the Nits are very difficult to remove some home ingredients actually work to loosen the from the hair shaft making the process much easier.

What is the Greatest Way to Get rid of Head Lice?

The most well-known substances utilized in natural head lice treatment are mayonnaise, olive oil, and Vaseline (petroleum jelly.) Whilst several folks will swear by their certain option and claim it is the most powerful, in reality, any substance that is healthy for the scalp and thick enough to remain in the hair will work equally well.

The reason these head lice home remedies are successful is that the olive oil or other liquid smothers and immobilizes the lice and their eggs. It is then a lot less complicated to remove them all with the nit comb. Making use of this approach, head lice can be quickly and inexpensively treated at home with out the need for medication or harsh chemicals.

Resource Box:
Having hd the unpleasant experience of having head lice and having no other choices but prescription medications the Author decided to provide people with the answers they need and the head lice home remedies they need. For more information see her natural head lice treatment home page Natural head Lice Treatment. To get the head lice home remedies that kill lice safely and quickly see Head Lice Home Remedies and get rid of them today.


The Proper Steps in Treating Head Lice

Head lice are tiny parasites commonly found in hair around scalp and neck. A head lice infestation can be a very irritating a frustrating problem. Although head lice affect people of all ages, it is most common in children. The problem of head lice can be very irritating and frustrating. However, by knowing the proper steps in treating head lice, you can get rid off them quite easily. Following is an effective step-by-step process:

1. Scrutinize: As soon as you spot head lice for the first time, take the matter seriously and start following the curative measures. First, scrutinize the entire area at the base of the hair around the lower neck and ears. After this, divide your hair into small sections and scrutinize your entire head region. This way, it will be easier for you to detect any nit or live louse and diagnose a lice infestation. Remember, nits have a very small size and prefer to stay near the hair root. Due to this, they may be difficult to detect. Hence, you need to search for lice meticulously and carefully.

2. Treat: Many treatment methods exist for getting rid of head lice. You can try home remedies involving the application of Aloe Vera, vinegar or mayonnaise. You can also opt for over-the-counter treatments. Anti-lice shampoos containing insecticides or pesticides such as pyrethrin and melathion can prove effective against head lice. However, they can cause allergic reactions and so avoid using them without consulting your physician.

3. Comb: A head lice comb is easily the most effective solution in getting rid of lice. Using an effective head lice comb, disentangle and then comb your hair diligently, removing as many lice as possible. The anti-lice comb that has tightened and fine teeth is a very effective way to eliminate lice from your hair. Many physicians recommend electric head lice combs for treating head lice. It is one of the safest and oldest methods of eliminating head lice and preventing re-infestation. However, you should use an electric comb only when your hair is dry or else the comb won’t function.

4. Clean: The most common cause of head lice is an unhygienic atmosphere. Hence, to prevent re-infestation, you need to clean your house. Wash the pillow covers, sheets, clothes, towels and anything that’s in contact with the hair or body of the person affected by a head lice infestation. Do not forget to wash and rinse your combs and brushes with hot soapy water.

5. Repeat: Lice may be fussy and not get eliminated easily. In such a scenario, you need to repeat the treatment methods. Some medical products, such as shampoos and lotions, can require several applications to prove effective. So follow the instructions mentioned on the container or as prescribed by the physician. Similarly, use the head lice comb daily for around a week.

6. Inform others: As a responsible citizen, it’s your duty to prevent a head lice infestation outside your household. Hence, you should notify every person or institution that may have come in contact with the person who was infested with head lice. Notify close family members, friends, colleagues, schoolmates and activity partners. By following all of these six steps properly and religiously, you will surely eliminate head lice.

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